بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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actor 05-06-2011 02:54 PM

مش عارف اقول ايه يا مستر على تعبك معنا وربنا مش هينسى تعبك ده ابدا

nahla.sobhy 05-06-2011 03:14 PM

يارب التوفيف

ايمن باشا السيد 06-06-2011 11:33 PM

هذا مجرد سلام لسيادتك وتمنياتى بالتوفيق

rose adel 07-06-2011 09:44 AM

the most difficult thing is writing to whom you love and respect
as words don't come with the deal carried in the heart

rose adel 11-06-2011 05:58 PM

1 6- Pupils don’t have to pay for their books. The school---------------------- them.
( pays - provides - takes – affords)
the ministry exams answer is"affords" i need your comment my teacher.
we choose {historic or historical}places.
is" could"used with all pronouns with {i wish -if only}as long man exercises or what.............?
thanks in advance our respected and respectable teacher.

Essam Wahba 12-06-2011 12:31 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rose adel (المشاركة 3513579)
1 6- Pupils don’t have to pay for their books. The school---------------------- them.
( pays - provides - takes – affords)
the ministry exams answer is"affords" i need your comment my teacher.
we choose {historic or historical}places.
is" could"used with all pronouns with {i wish -if only}as long man exercises or what.............?
thanks in advance our respected and respectable teacher.

Actually the right answer is "provides" (See the Teacher's Guide Page 345) and the Workbook page 122

Historic = important in history; likely to be thought of as important at some time in the future:a historic building / monument / The area is of special historic interest. / a historic occasion / decision / day / visit / victory

Historical usually describes something that is connected with the past or with the study of history, or something that really happened in the past: I have been doing some historical research. Was Robin Hood a historical figure?

however, in Hello, Year Three, historical is used to give both meanings
historical monuments - unit 7 SB Page 41
historical buildings - Teacher's Guide Page 126
historical novel - SB page 66

Therefore, in multiple choice questions we should avoid using both adjectives when we refer to places

Yes, could can be used with all pronouns after wish/if only

rose adel 12-06-2011 12:56 AM

thanks our teacher you are always helpful
the weather forecast says it{ will be-is going to be}sunny tomorrow.
-what was lander's real job?
is it a thief

Essam Wahba 12-06-2011 01:52 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rose adel (المشاركة 3515145)
thanks our teacher you are always helpful
the weather forecast says it{ will be-is going to be}sunny tomorrow.
-what was lander's real job?
is it a thief

I think is going to be is the better choice as weather forecasts are usually based on satellite maps, so there is some sort of implied evidence here.

However, such sentences should be avoided in examinations

الاستاذ عبدالهادى حمودة 12-06-2011 04:05 AM

لو سمحت يا مستر عصام
الجملة دى
I wish I knew where I left my jacket
لية مش had known مع ان انا عندى left دى موجودة فى الامتحان الرابع رقم 4 ومحلولة كدة فى دليل المعلم ارجو من حضرتك التعليق وللك جزيل الشكر

Essam Wahba 12-06-2011 07:14 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الاستاذ عبدالهادى حمودة (المشاركة 3515591)
لو سمحت يا مستر عصام
الجملة دى
I wish I knew where I left my jacket
لية مش had known مع ان انا عندى left دى موجودة فى الامتحان الرابع رقم 4 ومحلولة كدة فى دليل المعلم ارجو من حضرتك التعليق وللك جزيل الشكر

ربما تكون الجملة أصلا هي
I don't know where I left my car. = I wish I knew where I left my car.

ولكن لو فرضنا أن الجملة أصلا هي

I didn't know where I had left my car. = I wish I had known where I had left my car

الاستاذ عبدالهادى حمودة 12-06-2011 08:31 AM

شكرا ياستاذنا على الرد لك جزيل الشكر

rose adel 12-06-2011 08:46 AM

thanks our teacher
may Allah bless you

عبدالرحيم79 12-06-2011 09:11 AM

رجاء من استاذنا الفاضل حل هذه الجمل
find the mistake
I’m sure she was telling the truth. Everyone said the same thing.
I don’t know where he is. It’s possible that he missed his train
E-mails don’t usually take two days to arrive. I’m sure she didn’t send it
I was out this morning. It’s possible that he tried to phone me then.
Surely he hasn’t finished his tea already. It was really hot.
I’m certain my little brother has hidden my calculator.

He’s always hiding things.

ايمن باشا السيد 12-06-2011 10:43 AM

استاذى المبجل / عصام بك وهبة
تحيه طيبة وبعد
الا تشاركنى الراى ان هناك من الجمل التى يمكن حلها بأكثر من إجابه. ومع ذلك تخرج علينا كتب الوزاره بحل واحد ويتمسك المدرسون بها مع ان الحل الاخر صواب وبصراحة تضع المدرسين فى مواقف صعبه بين ابنائنا الطلاب لذلك اقترح من سيادتك مع المشرفين تجميع هذه الاخطاء وتصويبها وعرضها على مستشارى المادة لتجنبها. امثال ذلك قواعد وكلمات على ما اتذكر :
(past continuous -past perfect continuous -will- going to - historic-historical-

Essam Wahba 12-06-2011 11:26 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عبدالرحيم79 (المشاركة 3516053)
find the mistake
I’m sure she was telling the truth. Everyone said the same thing.
I don’t know where he is. It’s possible that he missed his train
E-mails don’t usually take two days to arrive. I’m sure she didn’t send it
I was out this morning. It’s possible that he tried to phone me then.
Surely he hasn’t finished his tea already. It was really hot.
I’m certain my little brother has hidden my calculator.

He’s always hiding things.

هذه الجمل جمل صحيحة و موجودة بالنص في كتاب الطالب في صفحة 57 وكان المطلوب اعادة كتابة الجمل مستخدما

must have / can't have

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