بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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MAZEN gamal 26-05-2011 12:39 AM

Thanksssssss for your help really we all respect you
we regard you as our .........what can I say there is no word to express how great we respect you

MAZEN gamal 28-05-2011 09:45 AM

1. Four books is on the table.

find the mistake the answer |(are)
how could students differentiate between

five hundred pounds is - are
like the sentence above thank you again

alien2 28-05-2011 01:53 PM

هذة الجملة و ضعت لطلاب الصف الاول الثانوى الازهرى بدمياط
وضعها واحد فلتة زمانه وطلب تصحيحها فى سؤال ال Rewrite
Sami is more friendly than Hani .
الجملة من شواذ الصفات و المقارنة
اعرف الحل ولكنى اطرحها للمناقشة

Essam Wahba 28-05-2011 05:58 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة alien2 (المشاركة 3457431)
هذة الجملة و ضعت لطلاب الصف الاول الثانوى الازهرى بدمياط
وضعها واحد فلتة زمانه وطلب تصحيحها فى سؤال ال Rewrite
Sami is more friendly than Hani .
الجملة من شواذ الصفات و المقارنة
اعرف الحل ولكنى اطرحها للمناقشة

Some two-syllable adjectives follow two rules. These adjectives can be used with -er and -est and with more and most.

more clever
most clever
more gentle
most gentle
more friendly
most friendly
more quiet
most quiet
more simple
most simple

Essam Wahba 28-05-2011 06:06 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة MAZEN gamal (المشاركة 3456913)
1. Four books is on the table.

find the mistake the answer |(are)
how could students differentiate between

five hundred pounds is - are
like the sentence above thank you again

Expressions of time, money and distance usually take a singular verb
Ten dollars is a great deal of money to a child.
Ten kilometres is too far to walk.
Six weeks is not long enough.

So the sentence : Four books are on the table does not actually belong to this category

ايمن باشا السيد 29-05-2011 12:03 PM

سيدى الفاضل بعد التحية ارجو من سيادتكم حل هذه الجمل من مراجعة سيادتك review 3 1 - 18

Review 3 : Units 1 – 18
Test 1
4.Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly:
1- To conserve water, fix your tricky pipes.
2- Your avoidance at school is required for you to take the final exams.
3- I occasion visit my neighbors without notice. 4- One of the five casts is very old. It was built 2,000 years ago.
5- Bill Gates has donated much of his breath to charity. 6- Natural gas is economized to turn it into a liquid.
7- Soha’s doctor is giving her a medical extermination today. 8- The factory stems cotton into thread.
9- To find how a disease spreads, doctors must do a aromatic study.
10- Cunningly, there is a lot of evidence that reading improves other areas of understanding.
11- I am not a fan of the plastics. I prefer modern literature.
12- Right now I’m reading a double of books, one about vampires and the latest Harry Potter.
13- Nancy wrote a fictional account of her town’s history. 14- The gas was escaping from the tank.
15- There is another good publish on the benefits of reading.
16- Nisma is studying poetical science next year. She hopes to become a diplomat.
17- George competed the test without much difficulty .
18- Not often but organically Omar meets his friends after work.
19- The pious man gave up some of his wealth to the poor.
20- I’m sorry. The doctor is not in. She is pretending to a patient.
21- Soldiers must stand at intention when their commanding officer addresses them.
22- I can’t meet you on Tuesday because I be travelling that day.
23- Ask Sawsan because I think she probably knew the answer.
24- My flight tomorrow be at 9.58 am.
25- I think Mother will finishes reading her novel tonight.
26- Sorry, I can’t come because I played tennis with Yehia tomorrow.
27- George’s family take him out tomorrow to celebrate his new job.
28- The exams corrected two hours ago.
29- The waterfalls are installing at the moment.
30- It is impossible to drive fast than what the device tells the engine.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Show how Dr. Hafez was wise enough to judge other people’s personalities.
Review 3 : Units 1 – 18
Test 2
4.Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly:
1- There are a millions of grains of sand on the beach. 2- How much ice cubes do I put into each glass?
3- The whipping cream was ruining by the extreme heat. 4- After we finish our lessons, we are gone for ice cream.
5- At the café, the people usually chooses the coffee over the tea.
6- Fifteen minutes seem like a long time, but an hour seems like forever.
7- Are a kilo of iron equal to a kilo of feathers? Of course, they are both a kilo.
8- Their constant debating of politics bore me. 9- Soha wears her mother’s dresses to parties because they are still fashion.
10- For Muslims, it is a customer to eat dates to break a fast.
11- Yunus is a regular consumer of that shop because he likes the service.
12- Jenna routine checks her work, which is why she does so well.
13- Yehia Haqqi is credited with the detachment of modern Egyptian literature.
14- His bleeding style reflected his knowledge of the modern world.
15- Fahmy gets his compete personality from his father, who was another great athlete.
16- The estrangement of this charity was chiefly to assist orphans.
17- Her artistic style has revolved considerably since she began studying with us.
18- While Yusef was waiting for the bus, it starts to rain. 19- Before he took the medicine, he feels very ill.
20- One Thousand and One Nights has retold many times and on many continents.
21- We looked at a lot of houses, but we couldn’t identity the one we saw before.
22- The famous glass pyramid at the Louvre Museum is designed by I.M. Pei in the 1980s.
23- How did the lawyer manage to prove George’s innocent?
24- Half of the pets had gone missing before I was assign the duty to take care of them.
25- Longman is the polisher of the new dictionary. 26- If you leave now, you are catching the bus.
27- If he had brushed his teeth regularly, they didn't decay. 28- More trees plant to help the environment. 29- He asked me what were I doing when he had met me. 30- The job doesn't do yet.

MAZEN gamal 29-05-2011 02:45 PM

thank you for your efforts

Essam Wahba 29-05-2011 03:04 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ايمن باشا السيد (المشاركة 3460162)
سيدى الفاضل بعد التحية ارجو من سيادتكم حل هذه الجمل من مراجعة سيادتك review 3 1 - 18

Review 3 : Units 1 – 18
Test 1
4.Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly:
1- To conserve water, fix your tricky pipes.
2- Your avoidance at school is required for you to take the final exams.
3- I occasion visit my neighbors without notice. 4- One of the five casts is very old. It was built 2,000 years ago.
5- Bill Gates has donated much of his breath to charity. 6- Natural gas is economized to turn it into a liquid.
7- Soha’s doctor is giving her a medical extermination today. 8- The factory stems cotton into thread.
9- To find how a disease spreads, doctors must do a aromatic study.
10- Cunningly, there is a lot of evidence that reading improves other areas of understanding.
11- I am not a fan of the plastics. I prefer modern literature.
12- Right now I’m reading a double of books, one about vampires and the latest Harry Potter.
13- Nancy wrote a fictional account of her town’s history. 14- The gas was escaping from the tank.
15- There is another good publish on the benefits of reading.
16- Nisma is studying poetical science next year. She hopes to become a diplomat.
17- George competed the test without much difficulty .
18- Not often but organically Omar meets his friends after work.
19- The pious man gave up some of his wealth to the poor.
20- I’m sorry. The doctor is not in. She is pretending to a patient.
21- Soldiers must stand at intention when their commanding officer addresses them.
22- I can’t meet you on Tuesday because I be travelling that day.
23- Ask Sawsan because I think she probably knew the answer.
24- My flight tomorrow be at 9.58 am.
25- I think Mother will finishes reading her novel tonight.
26- Sorry, I can’t come because I played tennis with Yehia tomorrow.
27- George’s family take him out tomorrow to celebrate his new job.
28- The exams corrected two hours ago.
29- The waterfalls are installing at the moment.
30- It is impossible to drive fast than what the device tells the engine.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Show how Dr. Hafez was wise enough to judge other people’s personalities.
Review 3 : Units 1 – 18
Test 2
4.Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly:
1- There are a millions of grains of sand on the beach. 2- How much ice cubes do I put into each glass?
3- The whipping cream was ruining by the extreme heat. 4- After we finish our lessons, we are gone for ice cream.
5- At the café, the people usually chooses the coffee over the tea.
6- Fifteen minutes seem like a long time, but an hour seems like forever.
7- Are a kilo of iron equal to a kilo of feathers? Of course, they are both a kilo.
8- Their constant debating of politics bore me. 9- Soha wears her mother’s dresses to parties because they are still fashion.
10- For Muslims, it is a customer to eat dates to break a fast.
11- Yunus is a regular consumer of that shop because he likes the service.
12- Jenna routine checks her work, which is why she does so well.
13- Yehia Haqqi is credited with the detachment of modern Egyptian literature.
14- His bleeding style reflected his knowledge of the modern world.
15- Fahmy gets his compete personality from his father, who was another great athlete.
16- The estrangement of this charity was chiefly to assist orphans.
17- Her artistic style has revolved considerably since she began studying with us.
18- While Yusef was waiting for the bus, it starts to rain. 19- Before he took the medicine, he feels very ill.
20- One Thousand and One Nights has retold many times and on many continents.
21- We looked at a lot of houses, but we couldn’t identity the one we saw before.
22- The famous glass pyramid at the Louvre Museum is designed by I.M. Pei in the 1980s.
23- How did the lawyer manage to prove George’s innocent?
24- Half of the pets had gone missing before I was assign the duty to take care of them.
25- Longman is the polisher of the new dictionary. 26- If you leave now, you are catching the bus.
27- If he had brushed his teeth regularly, they didn't decay. 28- More trees plant to help the environment. 29- He asked me what were I doing when he had met me. 30- The job doesn't do yet.

الجمل كلها مأخوذة من تمارين Longman

والاجابات موجودة علي الموقع

بيتر رافت 29-05-2011 07:27 PM

يا مستر انت رائع

ايمن باشا السيد 30-05-2011 02:52 PM

عفوا سيدى اين الرابط انى لااعرفة

Essam Wahba 30-05-2011 10:08 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ايمن باشا السيد (المشاركة 3463116)
عفوا سيدى اين الرابط انى لااعرفة

ايمن باشا السيد 31-05-2011 12:12 AM

الف مليون شكر لانى وجدت الرابط مسبقا ووجدت مشقه كبيرة فى الحصول على الاجابات ومازلت احاول فى بعض الجمل وهذا دليل واضح بل دامغ على الجهد المبزول من طرف سيادتك بارك الله فيك وفى من عندك وفقك المولى عز وجل

Essam Wahba 31-05-2011 06:06 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ايمن باشا السيد (المشاركة 3460162)
سيدى الفاضل بعد التحية ارجو من سيادتكم حل هذه الجمل من مراجعة سيادتك review 3 1 - 18

Review 3 : Units 1 – 18
Test 1
4.Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly:
1- To conserve water, fix your tricky pipes.
2- Your avoidance at school is required for you to take the final exams.
3- I occasion visit my neighbors without notice. 4- One of the five casts is very old. It was built 2,000 years ago.
5- Bill Gates has donated much of his breath to charity. 6- Natural gas is economized to turn it into a liquid.
7- Soha’s doctor is giving her a medical extermination today. 8- The factory stems cotton into thread.
9- To find how a disease spreads, doctors must do a aromatic study.
10- Cunningly, there is a lot of evidence that reading improves other areas of understanding.
11- I am not a fan of the plastics. I prefer modern literature.
12- Right now I’m reading a double of books, one about vampires and the latest Harry Potter.
13- Nancy wrote a fictional account of her town’s history. 14- The gas was escaping from the tank.
15- There is another good publish on the benefits of reading.
16- Nisma is studying poetical science next year. She hopes to become a diplomat.
17- George competed the test without much difficulty .
18- Not often but organically Omar meets his friends after work.
19- The pious man gave up some of his wealth to the poor.
20- I’m sorry. The doctor is not in. She is pretending to a patient.
21- Soldiers must stand at intention when their commanding officer addresses them.
22- I can’t meet you on Tuesday because I be travelling that day.
23- Ask Sawsan because I think she probably knew the answer.
24- My flight tomorrow be at 9.58 am.
25- I think Mother will finishes reading her novel tonight.
26- Sorry, I can’t come because I played tennis with Yehia tomorrow.
27- George’s family take him out tomorrow to celebrate his new job.
28- The exams corrected two hours ago.
29- The waterfalls are installing at the moment.
30- It is impossible to drive fast than what the device tells the engine.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Show how Dr. Hafez was wise enough to judge other people’s personalities.
Review 3 : Units 1 – 18
Test 2
4.Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly:
1- There are a millions of grains of sand on the beach. 2- How much ice cubes do I put into each glass?
3- The whipping cream was ruining by the extreme heat. 4- After we finish our lessons, we are gone for ice cream.
5- At the café, the people usually chooses the coffee over the tea.
6- Fifteen minutes seem like a long time, but an hour seems like forever.
7- Are a kilo of iron equal to a kilo of feathers? Of course, they are both a kilo.
8- Their constant debating of politics bore me. 9- Soha wears her mother’s dresses to parties because they are still fashion.
10- For Muslims, it is a customer to eat dates to break a fast.
11- Yunus is a regular consumer of that shop because he likes the service.
12- Jenna routine checks her work, which is why she does so well.
13- Yehia Haqqi is credited with the detachment of modern Egyptian literature.
14- His bleeding style reflected his knowledge of the modern world.
15- Fahmy gets his compete personality from his father, who was another great athlete.
16- The estrangement of this charity was chiefly to assist orphans.
17- Her artistic style has revolved considerably since she began studying with us.
18- While Yusef was waiting for the bus, it starts to rain. 19- Before he took the medicine, he feels very ill.
20- One Thousand and One Nights has retold many times and on many continents.
21- We looked at a lot of houses, but we couldn’t identity the one we saw before.
22- The famous glass pyramid at the Louvre Museum is designed by I.M. Pei in the 1980s.
23- How did the lawyer manage to prove George’s innocent?
24- Half of the pets had gone missing before I was assign the duty to take care of them.
25- Longman is the polisher of the new dictionary. 26- If you leave now, you are catching the bus.
27- If he had brushed his teeth regularly, they didn't decay. 28- More trees plant to help the environment. 29- He asked me what were I doing when he had met me. 30- The job doesn't do yet.

Test 1
4.Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly:
1- To conserve water, fix your leaky pipes.
2- Your attendance at school is required for you to take the final exams.
3- I occasionally visit my neighbors without notice. 4- One of the five castles is very old. It was built 2,000 years ago.
5- Bill Gates has donated much of his wealth to charity. 6- Natural gas is pressurized to turn it into a liquid.
7- Soha’s doctor is giving her a medical examination today. 8- The factory spins cotton into thread.
9- To find how a disease spreads, doctors must do a systematic study.
10- Currently , there is a lot of evidence that reading improves other areas of understanding.
11- I am not a fan of the classics . I prefer modern literature.
12- Right now I’m reading a couple of books, one about vampires and the latest Harry Potter.
13- Nancy wrote a factual account of her town’s history. 14- The gas was leaking from the tank.
15- There is another good pulication on the benefits of reading.
16- Nisma is studying political science next year. She hopes to become a diplomat.
17- George completed the test without much difficulty .
18- Not often but occasionally Omar meets his friends after work.
19- The pious man gave up some of his wealth to the poor. الجملة صحيحة
20- I’m sorry. The doctor is not in. She is attending to a patient.
21- Soldiers must stand at attention when their commanding officer addresses them.
22- I can’t meet you on Tuesday because I am travelling that day.
23- Ask Sawsan because I think she probably knows the answer.
24- My flight tomorrow is at 9.58 am.
25- I think Mother will finish reading her novel tonight.
26- Sorry, I can’t come because I am playing tennis with Yehia tomorrow.
27- George’s family are taking him out tomorrow to celebrate his new job.
28- The exams were corrected two hours ago.
29- The waterfalls are being installing at the moment.
30- It is impossible to drive faster than what the device tells the engine.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Show how Dr. Hafez was wise enough to judge other people’s personalities.
Dr. Hafez was wise when he chose Leila to be his assistant as he thought that her experience would be useful in the project. He was also wise when he trusted Amalia and believed that she wouldn't do anything wrong.
Test 2
4.Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly:
1- There are millions of grains of sand on the beach. 2- How many ice cubes do I put into each glass?
3- The whipping cream was ruined by the extreme heat. 4- After we finish our lessons, we are going for ice cream.
5- At the café, the people usually choose the coffee over the tea.
6- Fifteen minutes seems like a long time, but an hour seems like forever.
7- Is a kilo of iron equal to a kilo of feathers? Of course, they are both a kilo.
8- Their constant debating of politics bores me.
9- Soha wears her mother’s dresses to parties because they are still fashionable.
10- For Muslims, it is a custom to eat dates to break a fast.
11- Yunus is a regular customer of that shop because he likes the service.
12- Jenna routinely checks her work, which is why she does so well.
13- Yehia Haqqi is credited with the development of modern Egyptian literature.
14- His pioneering style reflected his knowledge of the modern world.
15- Fahmy gets his competitivepersonality from his father, who was another great athlete.
16- The establishment of this charity was chiefly to assist orphans.
17- Her artistic style has evolved considerably since she began studying with us.
18- While Yusef was waiting for the bus, it started to rain.
19- Before he took the medicine, he had felt very ill.
20- One Thousand and One Nights has been retold many times and on many continents.
21- We looked at a lot of houses, but we couldn’t identify the one we saw before.
22- The famous glass pyramid at the Louvre Museum was designed by I.M. Pei in the 1980s.
23- How did the lawyer manage to prove George’s innocence?
24- Half of the pets had gone missing before I was assigned the duty to take care of them.
25- Longman is the publisher of the new dictionary.
26- If you leave now, you will catch the bus.
27- If he had brushed his teeth regularly, they wouldn't have decayed. 28- More trees are planted to help the environment. 29- He asked me what I had been doing when he had met me. 30- The job hasn't been done yet.[/quote]

ايمن باشا السيد 31-05-2011 06:50 PM

أولا: كل ماقلت وساقول انت أنسان محترم ومبجل ولايسعنى الا الدعاء لك بكل احساس عندى بارك الله فيك ولك وجعلك عونا للجميع مشكور ومشكور تانى وتالت ورابع.

ثانيا :انا أعلم ان المجهود شاق ولكن اتمنى من حضرتك ملف كامل لتمرينات لونج مان اللى سيادتك وضعها على هيئه-3 review 2 كل الامتحانات لانى بالبحث لم استطع متابعة الاجابات لآن سيادتك مرتبها مختلفة لحد ما عن الموقع واذا لم تستطع فلن اثقل على سيادتك لانك بصراحة عامل مجهود خرافى اعانك الله على امثالى

ايمن باشا السيد 31-05-2011 07:02 PM

عفوا 29- The waterfalls are being installing at the moment. ام
being installed
4- After we finish our lessons, we are going for ice cream.
هل تساوى will go

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