رد : أستاذ / LinuxForEver
لقد وضعت الحكومة خطة شاملة لكى يصل الدعم لمستحقيه The government has made a comprehensive plan for the support to be given to the people who need it --- يحاول المنتخب المصرى جاهدا التأهل لكأس العالم القادم بالبرازيل لعام 2014 Egypt's football team tries hard to be qualified to the next world cup in Brazil 2014 === Most of our problems are connected ... moneyto - with --- Thousands of young people .... in the factories built in the new cities every yearare employed - are being employed سبب الاختيار هو ان هذا شيء متكرر غير مرتبط بوقت معين فيكون مضارع بسيط |
طبعا الاستاد محمد عطا ديوشي من الأساتدة المفضلين عندي بدون ادنى شك وطبعا انا ان شاء الله تلميد من تلاميده ومهما عملت مش هوصل لمستوى الأستاد محمد عطا فأنا آسف لو حصل مني اى شيء خطأ :)
لكن انا احاول مساعدة الأستاد في هدا العمل الشاق الدي يقوم به وأنا الحمد لله أجاباتي نادرا ما تخطـأ بفضل الله |
مستر محمد
ربنا يوفقك لما يحبه ويرضاه بسبب مجهود حضرتك واهتمامك بينا من خلال هذا الموضوع وياريت توزيعة درجات اللغه الانجليزيه بعد ما اصبحت الماده من 50 |
رد : أستاذ / deadmans96
رد : أستاذة / fatima mhsn
1- مواقف ــــــــــــ 4 درجات( درجة لكل نقطة) 2- متحدثين ــــــــــــ 4 درجات( نصف درجة لكل نقطة) 3- choose ــــــــــــ 8 درجات ( نصف درجة لكل نقطة) 4- ايجاد و تصويب الخطأ ــــــــــــ 6 درجات( درجة لكل نقطة) 5- قطعة فهم أولي ــــــــــــ 4 درجات( درجة لكل نقطة و نصف درجة لكل نقطة choose) 6- قطعة فهم ثانية ــــــــــــ 4 درجات( درجة لكل نقطة و نصف درجة لكل نقطة choose) 7- قصة ــــــــــــ 9 درجات( درجة لكل نقطة) 8- موضوع / خطاب / e-mail ــــــــــــ 6 درجات 9- ترجمة ــــــــــــ 5 درجات ( ثلاث درجات من انجليزي لعربي و درجتان من عربي لانجليزي) |
اسئلة من احد ابنائنا الطلاب
choose 1- it's a frightening ........ for anyone to be inside a tornado experience / experiment A friend told me that he was going to visit me ...........but he didn't next day / tomorrow / the next day / the day before 3- The Tower was ..............by an earthquake in 1992 demolished / ruined / destroyed / erected |
- قصة:
1- Why did Rassendyll and his men choose the country house called Tarlenheim to stay in? 2- People usually say, "God save the King". This is what happens with Rassendyll more than once. Discuss. 3. When Rassendyll saw Rupert Hentzau for the first time, Sapt said that he is the worst criminal of them all . Was he right? Why, why not? 4- Surprise was one of the main weapons of Rassendyll's plan to save the King. Discuss. 5- Did Rudolf Rassendyll write any books? If yes, about what? 6- How did Rudolf hide his plan to go to the forest to see the King from Johaam and the innkeepers? 7. Regardless of the resemblance in appearance, Rassendyll succeeded in playing the King's role which needed special skills . Give reasons. 8. How did Rudolf Rassendyll do the real King a great favour in the old town? 9. Why did Rudolf Rassendyll ask Colonel Sapt not to enter the second of the cellar? 10. The expression "all is well" was repeated and everyone understood it own way. Discuss. 11. While Fritz is rash but Colonel Sapt is quiet and cunning. Explain. 12- Rupert Hentzau proved that he is a daring and risky character. Discuss. |
amount - quantity ما الفرق بينهما وما الكلمات التي نستخدمها مع كلا منهما
amount أشياء لا تعد Water. Mud. Love , sugar , money
quantity أشياء تعد 20 people. 10 dogs. 5 cows |
find the mistake in case of rain ,plants will grow better. We said we were discussing certain matter then. The science teacher said that water turns into steam if it is heated. He always dreams of a permanent job. He doesn’t like working for different employers . choose All the villages ( would have been burnt – would have burnt )if the fire hadn't stopped. We are carrying our market ( search – discovery – inspection – research ) to find out who our typical customer is. when he ( got – had got ) home , Hamid was not hungry |
when he ( got – had got ) home , Hamid was not hungry .
In case of rain ,plants grow better. We said we were discussing certain matter then. The science teacher said that water turns into steam if it is heated. He always dreams of a permanent job. He doesn’t like working for different Jobs . choose All the villages ( would have been burnt – would have burnt )if the fire hadn't stopped. We are carrying our market ( search – discovery – inspection – research ) to find out who our typical customer is. هل هده الجملة مكتملة ولا في حاجة ناقصة ولا غلط راجعها كدا |
شكرا جزيلا على المجهود He's already begun to ... a reputation as an efficient surgeon establish - build - sign --- ? Shall I ... you a cup of tea pour - spill - drop ==== FTM The government should find ways to produce pollution produce --> decrease |
:bosyht9: |
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