بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-01-2014 03:34 PM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي
The postman , by Yehia Haqqi,.........first prize in 1968
awarded -was awarded
find the mistakes
Look out! The chair is going to break
الجملة معلوم لأن الفعل break يعني ( يكسر/ ينكسر)


تولى الحكومة اهتماما كبيرا بالاطفال لانهم قادة المستقبل
The government takes great care of children because they are the leaders of the future

في الجنة أحلامي 17-01-2014 10:32 AM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

المواقف دي حليتها بس عايزة حضرتك تجاوبها للتأكد من بعض الاشياء
وعايزة اعرف هل ممكن في بعض هذه المواقف اعملها كنصيحة ولا مينفعش ؟

your young brother is going o school alone .he crosses a main street .give him instructions to (1) cross
(2) osama is going to have adriving test . he wants to know your instructions
(3) hassan wants to know how o get information from the internet . he asks you how to log on the internet
(4) your sister wants to make acake for her birthday . she asks you how to do this
(5) omer doesn't know how to keep fit . you give him instructions
كنت عايزة اعرف هل فيه فرق بين special - especial ؟
لقيت في وحدة keep out بمعنى يبعد وفي وحدة تانية فيها keep away بمعنى يبعد
فايه الفرق بينهم لان لقيت اختياري فيه الاتنين out و away
ايه الفرق بين connected to و connected with في الملخص كان مكتوب على connected to انه متصل ب ( مصدر طاقة أو مياه ) بس فيه جمل مش كده خالص
وبرضه بين connected to و attached to بما ان الاتين معناهم متصل أو مرتبط ب
ودي كانت جملة عليهم كنت عايزة اعرف حلها
the field was used by horses from the riding school that is .........to the farm
( contacted - connected - enclosed - attached )

أعتذر للاطالة جزاكم الله خيرا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-01-2014 02:05 PM

رد أستاذة : في الجنة أحلامي
Your young brother is going o school alone .He crosses a main street .Give him instructions to cross
Remember to cross at right place.
First, look right and left. Then cross the street quickly
Osama is going to have a driving test . He wants to know your instructions
First, make sure you have all the documents you need. Then, study the traffic rules well. Remember to keep cool and confident
Hassan wants to know how to get information from the internet . He asks you how to log on the internet
First, you need an iternet connection. Then, doubeclick your search engine. After that, write what you want in the search box. Finally, click search.
Your sister wants to make a cake for her birthday . She asks you how to do this
First, ....................... . Then,..................................... . Finally, ................................. 0
Sorry, I don't know how to make a cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!0-
Omer doesn't know how to keep fit . you give him instructions
First, you must have the right quantities of food. Then, you must practise a sport. Finally, you must get enough sleep
حسب قاموس Longman الكلمتين special - especialمتساويتين في المعني في الأنجليزية البريطانية
يبعد بمعني يبقيه في الخارج keep out
يبعد بمعني يبقيه بعيدا عن keep away
الفرق بين connected to و connected withفي الرابط التالي
The field was used by horses from the riding school that is .........to the farm
( contacted - connected - enclosed - attached )

هتـــلر 17-01-2014 04:34 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر عاوز الاجابات مع السبب

i've been using my cell phone for so long . It needs to be ...
(chnged /rechagred)

if i don't go to bed by 11.I .....terrible the next day
(feel/would feel)

if she ......... on time . she will be blamed .
(hasn't finished / didn't finish)

He .....hvae missed the train. he's usually late
(must / might )

find the mistake

it must have been very winfy yesterday . there are branches all over the ground

the whole area . including these two feddans are mine .not his.

meralll 17-01-2014 10:57 PM

سمحت يا مستر عاوز الاجابات
1.A : I want to take extra lessons in piano.
B : You needn’t. Enough has been taken.
2. A : You’re lucky enough.
B : Why?
A : You can get off with a small fine.
3. A: What’s the exchange rate
B : The value of the dollar against the pound has climbed to a record level.
4. A: Why did you take a long time in doing this test and research?
B: Because it’s laborious.

5. A: I think the number of students will certainly increase after 2015
B: Don’t worry, we’ve planned to build more schools in all governorates.

6. A: I hope you will enjoy happy time.
B : Thanks a lot. What’s on tonight?
A: A new and exciting movie.
7. A: Why are you dropping out?
B: Because I have been on a sick leave for a week.

8.A: Here we are.
B: A minute please I'll get the visa and get back.
B: Thanks sir.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-01-2014 11:12 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
I've been using my cell phone for so long . It needs to be rechagred
لأنه كان مشحون واستعملته و هاعيد شحنه
If I don't go to bed by 11, I feel terrible the next day
عادة مرتبطة بالشخص
If she hasn't finished on time . she will be blamed
أي مضارع ينفع في الحالة الأولي
He must hvae missed the train. he's usually late
دليل قوي مبني علي عادة مرتبطة بالشخص

find the mistake
It must have been very windy yesterday . There are branches all over the ground
The whole area, including these two feddans is mine, not his

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-01-2014 11:51 PM

رد : أستاذ meralll
1.A : I want to take extra lessons in piano
B : You needn’t. Enough has been taken
Place: Home A: Son / Daughter B: Father / Mother
Function: Request / Refsing
2. A : You’re lucky enough
B : Why?
A : You can get off with a small fine
Place: Court A: Lawyer B: An imprisoned person
Function: Expressing good news / inquiry / reply

3. A: What’s the exchange rate
B : The value of the dollar against the pound has climbed to a record level
Place: Exchange market A: Client B: Clerk
Function: Asking for and giving information

4. A: Why did you take a long time in doing this test and research?
B: Because it’s laborious.
Place: University A: Profassor B: Student / Researcher
Asking about and giving reason
5. A: I think the number of students will certainly increase after 2015
B: Don’t worry, we’ve planned to build more schools in all governorates.
Place: TV Studio A: Interviewer B: Minister of Education
Expressing worry / Assuring
6. A: I hope you will enjoy happy time.
B : Thanks a lot. What’s on tonight?
A: A new and exciting movie
Place: Cinema A: ticket clerk B: Viewer
Expressing good hope / thanking /
Asking for and giving information
7. A: Why are you dropping out?
B: Because I have been on a sick leave for a week
Place: Company A: Manager B: clerk
Asking about and giving reason
8.A: Here we are.
B: A minute please I'll get the visa and get back.
B: Thanks sir
Place: Taxi A: Driver B: passenger
Asking about and giving reason

osama omara 18-01-2014 10:45 AM

السلام عليكم استاذنا الجليل ممكن رأيك في هذه الامثلة
i wish i ( had - had had ) green eyes like my dad
last year, i spent a month in France. I ( have dreamed - had dreamed ) of going there since i was a child
He has a/ an ( great - enormous -big- immense ) amount of work finish before Friday

find the mistake
Abu Trika is the most famous egyptian sporting person
It was nearly midnight by the time he has finished his homework last night
اريد التوضيح منكم و جزاكم الله خيرا

LinuxForEver 18-01-2014 12:59 PM

جزاك الله خيرا أستاذنا على جهد حضرتك معانا


A: I want to extend my stay in Egypt
? B: For how long
A: Four weeks if possible
B: OK, give me your passport

IS the following correct

Place: Aliens department
A: Foriegner
B: Clerk / Aliens department official clerk
Function: Asking and answering questions / Asking for information

I told her that in some cases that disease ..... to blindness
could lead - to lead - will lead lead
I always have .... for tea at midday every day
a ten-minute break - a ten-minutes break

His correspond with Hemingway continued for years

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 18-01-2014 01:11 PM

رد : أستاذ osama omara
I wish I ( had - had had ) green eyes like my dad
تمني في المضارع
Last year, I spent a month in France. I ( have dreamed - had dreamed ) of going there since I was a child
الحلم تحقق في الماضي والحلم يسبق تحقيقة فيكون ماضي تام
He has a/ an ( great - enormous -big- immense ) amount of work finish before Friday
الأختيارات الأربعة صحيحة ....... راجع مصدر السؤال ..... ابحث عن معاني الكلمات الأربعة في الرابط التالي لتتأكد مما أقول

find the mistake
Abu Trika is the most famous Egyptian sportsperson
It was nearly midnight by the time he finished his homework last night

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 18-01-2014 01:32 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver

A: I want to extend my stay in Egypt ? B: For how long
A: Four weeks if possible B: OK, give me your passport
Place: Aliens' department A: Foreigner B: Official
Function: Request / inquiry / Asking for and giving information
I told her that in some cases that disease ..... to blindness
could lead - to lead - will lead - lead
I always have .... for tea at midday every day
a ten-minute break - a ten-minutes break
His correspondence with Hemingway continued for years

هتـــلر 18-01-2014 06:55 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر علملى البرجراف ده

Computers are the most important invention in the twentieth century . We cannot do without computers these days . We can store huge amount of information on the computer . We can do a lot of calculations quickly and accurately on computer. Computers are used widely in many fields . We can use them in banks . schools .universities and hospitals . Doctors use computer to help them examine their patients well . Teachers use computer to illustrate many difficult points in the curriculum to their students . If you are in a foreign country .you can send E-mail to your family freely via internet .
On the other hand computers have many disadvantages. Children learn violence from some computer games . We waste a great deal of time by playing games and logging on cheesy websites on the internet . Computers affect our sight and our back badly .
In short. computers are double-edged weapon and they become useful or harmful according to our behaviour .

meralll 18-01-2014 08:13 PM

thank you , sir

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 18-01-2014 09:59 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
Computers are the most important invention in the twentieth century . We cannot do without computers these days. We can store huge amounts of information on the computer . We can do a lot of calculations quickly and accurately on the computer. Computers are used widely in many fields. We can use them in banks, schools ,universities and hospitals . Doctors use computer to help them examine their patients well. Teachers use computer to illustrate many difficult points in the curriculum to their students. If you are in a foreign country, you can send e-mail to your family freely via internet. On the other hand, computers have many disadvantages. Children learn violence from some computer games . We waste a great deal of time by playing games and logging on cheesy websites on the internet . Computers affect our sight and our back badly .
In short, computers are double-edged weapons and they become useful or harmful according to our behaviour
ان شاء الله 6 / 6

هتـــلر 18-01-2014 11:13 PM

ازاى يا مستر 6من 6 وفيه غلطات !!

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-01-2014 12:35 AM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
دي أخطاء لا تذكر ( تلاكيك) ....... لو ده اسلوبك في الكتابة أرجوك أطمئن ......... وثق في توفيق الله

osama omara 19-01-2014 08:12 AM

السلام عليكم استاذنا ممكن رأيك في هذه الاسئلة
A : Please , I want my mattress soft , no springs and two pillows.
B : Ok , madam
......... place
......... speaker A
......... speaker A
......... Function

I'm ( persuaded - convinced ) of his honesty
find the mistake
Most of the forests in this area have been left unrepeated as if nobody has never been there
ارجو التوضيح منكم , نفعنا الله بعلمك

LinuxForEver 19-01-2014 11:03 AM

جزاك الله خيرا


I expect Ali is going to be an efficient doctor in the future
Is ( is going to --> will be )
The root is the outer part of a tree
Translate into English

هل الإجابات دى صح ؟ و يا ريت إذا كان فى ألفاظ أفضل حضرتك تقولى عليها ؟
إن البحث العلمى آداة هامة لتحديد شكل مستقبل حياة أى أمة

Research is an important tool in drawing the future of any nation.

يكفل الدستور الجديد حقوق المرأة المطلقة و الأرملة و يقدم خدمات الأمومة و الطفولة مجانا

The new constitution include the rights of divorced women and widos, it also provide services of Mothers and children free of charge.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-01-2014 11:24 AM

رد : أستاذ osama omara
A : Please , I want my mattress soft , no springs and two pillows. B : OK, madam
Place: Upholsterer's
speaker A : Customer
منجد speaker B : Upholsterer
Function : Request / agreeing

I'm ( persuaded - convinced ) of his honesty

انني مقتنع بصحة برائته من تلقاء نفسي ، ولم يقنعني أحد بذلك
Find the mistake
Most of the forests in this area have been left
undisturbed as if nobody has ever been there
بمعني أن الغابات تركت علي حالها كما لو أنه لم يذهب اليها أحد قط ، لكن الجملة بها خطأين و هذا فنيا غير صحيح

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-01-2014 11:32 AM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver

I expect Ali is will be an efficient doctor in the future:022yb4:
The bark is the outer part of a tree
Translate into English
إن البحث العلمى آداة هامة لتحديد شكل مستقبل حياة أى أمة
Scientific research is an important tool in determining the future in the life of any nation.
يكفل الدستور الجديد حقوق المرأة المطلقة و الأرملة و يقدم خدمات الأمومة و الطفولة مجانا
The new constitution guarantees the rights of divorced women and widows. It also provides
free services for Motherhood and childhood

mahmoudmody1 19-01-2014 11:57 AM

stoy . Which two persons were shot in the arm?who was each shot by and where?

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-01-2014 04:07 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
Which two persons were shot in the arm?who was each shot by and where?0
Rassendyll and Ditchard were shot in the arm. Rassendyll was shot by Michael's men in the forest of Zenda. Dichard was shot by Rassendyll in the summer house

هتـــلر 19-01-2014 05:12 PM


You are on a crowded train .and there's only one empty seat . what do you ask the person sitting next to it ?

متحدثين و اماكن

Can you make up this prescription, please ?
I'm afraid the effective substance in this formula isn't available

please , look at our pamphlet ,which tour do you prefer ?
I'd like to go to lebanon

Well I don't think it fits me I will try the tailor-made one instead
Alright it's up to you thank you

I wonder if there's a flat for rent .
Where do you want it to be . sir ?
In badr city

How did the accident happen ?
I didn't cheak the rear mview mirror before overtaking the truck

How can I help you ?
I'd like to make an appointment to see a doctor , please .
Please , hold on for one minute .

thanks sir :)

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-01-2014 06:05 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
You are on a crowded train .and there's only one empty seat . what do you ask the person sitting next to it ? 0
Can I sit on this seat, please? Or - Is this seat free, please

متحدثين و اماكن

1. A: Can you make up this prescription, please ?
B:I'm afraid the effective substance in this formula isn't available.
Place: Pharmacy / Chemist's
speaker A : Customer / patient
speaker B : Chemist
Function : Request / apologising
2. A: Please, look at our pamphlet ,which tour do you prefer ? B: I'd like to go to Lebanon.
Place: Tourist Company
speaker A : Tour guide
speaker B : Tourist
Function : Inquiry / Expressing preference
3. A: Well I don't think it fits me. I will try the tailor-made one instead.
B: All right. It's up to you thank you
speaker A : Customer
speaker B : Sales assistant
: Expressing dislike and preference
4. A: I wonder if there's a flat for rent . B: Where do you want it to be . sir ? A:In Badr City.
Place: Brokerage Office
speaker A : Tenant
speaker B : Broker
Function : Inquiry / Expressing preference
5. A: How did the accident happen ?
B:I didn't check the rear view mirror before overtaking the truck.
Place: Accident scene
speaker A : Investigator
speaker B : Driver
Function : Inquiry / giving information
6. A: How can I help you ?
B: I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor , please . A: Please , hold on for one minute .
Place: Clinic - on the phone
speaker A : Caller / Patient
speaker B : Nurse
Function : Request / making an appointment

mahmoudmody1 19-01-2014 09:59 PM

what did michael plan for killing the king mean to sapt and Rassendyll?

mahmoudmody1 19-01-2014 10:21 PM

find mistake..
The pipe was intended to be the king Rudolf tomb

mahmoudmody1 19-01-2014 10:31 PM

find mistake..
The two women the king s father got married to were both Elephbergs.

mahmoudmody1 19-01-2014 10:34 PM

How was the coronation day a cheerless day for the two brothers Michael and Rudolf?

mahmoudmody1 19-01-2014 10:38 PM

find mistake..
Located by a hill,Tarlenheim was good for people fighting a war with enemies.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-01-2014 11:41 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
What did Michael's plan for killing the king mean to Sapt and Rassendyll?0
To Sapt, this plan meant that it was impossible to save the king and that Rassendyll would stay the king. To Rassendyll, it meant that they need to get the help of one of those people around Michael.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-01-2014 11:48 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
find mistake
The pipe was intended to be the king Rudolf tomb
The moat was intended to be the king Rudolf tomb

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-01-2014 11:59 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
find mistake
The two women the king's father got married to were both Elephbergs
Only one of the two women the king's father got married to was an Elephberg

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 20-01-2014 12:05 AM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1

1. How was the coronation day a cheerless day for the two brothers Michael and Rudolf?

Rudolf was poisoned, kidnapped and imprisoned in the castle. Michael was shocked on the arrival of the pretend king. He was disappointed because he was preparing himself to be be crowned

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 20-01-2014 12:17 AM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
find mistake
Located on top of a hill, Tarlenheim was good for people fighting a war with enemies

mahmoudmody1 20-01-2014 06:09 AM

شكرا _بارك الله فيك وادخلك فسيح جناته

mahmoudmody1 20-01-2014 06:35 AM

Where did Rassendyll stay on his first and second night in Ruritania? Why?

LinuxForEver 20-01-2014 01:10 PM

جزاك الله خيرا أستاذنا على جهد حضرتك معانا

A: Please, be quiet and listen to me carefully
B: OK. Sir
A: You are going to answer the first three questions and the last one as homework

Is ( Function: Giving information / Polite Request /
? A: And how did you feel when you were awarded the gold medal
B: I was very proud of my self
A: We came to the end of our programme today, thanks a lot our viewers

IS the following correct
B: Guest / Intervieweey
Function: Asking and answering personal questions

... I'm grateful to Ali who taught me
drive - to drive - to driving

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 20-01-2014 01:11 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
Where did Rassendyll stay on his first and second night in Ruritania? Why?0
He spent the first night in a small inn in Zenda. He spent the second night in the hunting lodge

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 20-01-2014 01:27 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
A: Please, be quiet and listen to me carefully B: OK. Sir
A: You are going to answer the first three questions and the last one as homework
Place: Classroom
speaker A :Teacher
speaker B : One of the students
Function :Drawing attention / Giving instructions
? A: And how did you feel when you were awarded the gold medal
B: I was very proud of my self
A: We came to the end of our programme today, thanks a lot our viewers

Place: TV studio
speaker A : Interviewer / presenter
speaker B : Sportsman / champion / Gold medal winner
Function : Inquiry / giving information / Thanking
... I'm grateful to Ali who taught me
drive - to drive - to driving

هتـــلر 20-01-2014 11:06 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر علملى البرجراف
Egypt is blessed with many gifts . There are many natural resources of power in Egypt such as water and sunshine . Sunshine helps in growing plants .Therefore, increasing the production of food . We can use sunshine to get solar power .Solar power is clean ,cheap and dosen't harm the environment . We can use solar power widely in industry so we can save money and improve our national income . Egypt is rich in water from the Nile river , the Mediterranean sea and the Red sea .We can use water to generate electricity like the electricity from the high dam . Water can help in reclaiming the desert by irrigating it . We should reduce our use for the non-renewable resources of power and increase our use to these renewable resources of power . In short, we should look after the nature because it provides us with many resources of power .

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 20-01-2014 11:57 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
Egypt is blessed with many gifts . There are many natural resources of power in Egypt such as water and sunshine. Sunshine helps in growing plants.Therefore, it increases the production of food . We can use sunshine to get solar power .Solar power is clean ,cheap and doesn't harm the environment . We can use solar power widely in industry, so we can save money and improve our national income . Egypt is rich in water from the Nile river, the Mediterranean sea and the Red sea .We can use water to generate electricity like the electricity from the High Dam. Water can help in reclaiming the desert by irrigating it . We should reduce our use of the non-renewable resources of power and increase our use of these renewable resources of power . In short, we should look after the nature because it provides us with many resources of power .0
نقول خمسة ونصف ولو انه أنا شخصيا لو بصحح أديلك 6 / 6

LinuxForEver 21-01-2014 01:10 PM

جزاك الله خيرا

When my uncle went to the police station, he couldn't ... the thief

identify - realize
knowledge is power ....
No Article - the

A person you work with is your competitor
is ( competitor --> college
If only I didn't tell him that his father had an accident but I had to

Is ( didn't tell --> hadn't told

mahmoudmody1 21-01-2014 01:19 PM

ممكن‎ ‎شرح‎ ‎قاعدة‎ ‎وحالات‎ ‎wish ‎وكيفية التميز وما هي طرق اختيارها في الاختياري

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 21-01-2014 06:46 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
When my uncle went to the police station, he couldn't ... the thief
identify - realize
knowledge is power ....
No Article - the
A person you work with is your colleague
If only I hadn't told him that his father had an accident but I had to:022yb4:

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 21-01-2014 07:01 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
1 مرفق
الشرح موجود بالمرفقات

mahmoudmody1 21-01-2014 07:42 PM

شكرا‏_‏ وادعوا‏ ‏ان‏ ‏يكثر‏ ‏من‏ ‏امثال‏ ‏حضرتك

mahmoudmody1 22-01-2014 09:03 AM

ممكن‏ ‏يبقي‏ ‏ورد‏ ‏عشان‏ ‏مرداش‏ ‏يشتغل‏ ‏علي تلفوني ولو هاتعبك مش لازم ورد

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 22-01-2014 09:32 AM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
1 مرفق
الملف وورد موجود بالمرفقات

LinuxForEver 22-01-2014 09:32 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahmoudmody1 (المشاركة 5695888)
ممكن‏ ‏يبقي‏ ‏ورد‏ ‏عشان‏ ‏مرداش‏ ‏يشتغل‏ ‏علي تلفوني ولو هاتعبك مش لازم ور

إذا كنت عايز تحوله Word ادخل على الموقع التالى و اختر الملف
ثم اضغط على
convert files to
و اختر منها
و اكتب عنوان ايميل صحيح لك
و بعديها حيجيلك على ايميلك رسالة منها تنزل الملف word

mahmoudmody1 22-01-2014 12:24 PM

شكرا‏ ‏جزيلا‏ ‏لهذه‏ ‏ا‏ ‏لاستجابة‏ ‏حضراتكم تستحقوا افضل عضوين

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