مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أين أنت يا هورايزن H0riz0n ؟ أجبني طال انتظاري!
محسن لبيب حنين 07-08-2010, 05:06 PM First of all, thanks for the syllabus you uploaded for us. I downloaded it all. But: One day, you told us on this site that a friend told you that Longman uploaded the third year Teacher's Guide on their site (A Coloured copy),consequently, you uploaded some samples of the book for us. My question is: Is that right or I was just dreaming when I read this? The reason I ask you about this is that when I logged on the Longman site, I found it the same I left it the last time about a year ago!!!! Moreover, when I tried to download the samples you put for us, I got lost with the link of the file. If there is a teacher's guide on Longman site, please tell me how I can go there, or what means of transport I should take to reach my target. I really appreciate your good efforts with us
El Sayed Siam 07-08-2010, 05:58 PM أخى الحبيب لاتنزعج لقد طلبت الأستاذ Horizon ووجدت تليفونه مغلقا لفترات طويلة لعل المانع خيرا وإن شاء الله أنا متأكد من أنه سيجيبك فور دخوله على الموقع
samir Meabed 07-08-2010, 07:23 PM و الله هو انسان يستحق كل خير و المفروض الناس كلها تسال عنة لانة يعمل فى صمت لعل المانع خير طمنى على حضرتك
Mr. Medhat Salah 07-08-2010, 08:55 PM اضم صوتي لكم
ارجو من الله ان يكون في الامر خير ان شاء الله
Mr Hamada Hashish 07-08-2010, 10:04 PM اعتقد انه بدأ العمل اعانة الله ورزقة رزقا حلالا سهلا طيبا مباركا فية
مستر وليد السيد 08-08-2010, 04:34 AM مستر Horizon انسان خلوق معطاء ....................... جزاه الله عنا خيراً و بلغنا و اياه رمضان.
Ala'a Eldin 08-08-2010, 06:17 AM أعتقد أن طول غياب مستر هورايزون لأنه مشغول بعمل كبير سوف يخرج علينا به قريبا جدا إن شاء الله
لأنه كلما غاب وعاد يعود وفى يده هدية جميلة
إن شاء الله لعل المانع خير ونجدك قريبا بيننا فى المنتدى يامستر هورايزن
El Sayed Siam 08-08-2010, 08:59 PM أخى العزيز أكتب لك الآن بعدما طلبت الأستاذ هورايزون تليفونيا وأجابنى وعلى فكرة سيقوم بالرد على حضرتك الليلة فور إصلاح النت عنده وقد أخبرنى بأنه كتب ردا لحضرتك منذ يومين وعند إرسال المشاركة فصل النت من عنده حتى الآن وهو بخير وسيرد بالتفاصيل الكاملة التى أتركها لسيادته
محسن لبيب حنين 08-08-2010, 10:25 PM شاكر اهتمام حضرتك ومنتظر رد من هورايزن
H0riz0n 08-08-2010, 10:28 PM First of all, thanks for the syllabus you uploaded for us. I downloaded it all. But: One day, you told us on this site that a friend told you that Longman uploaded the third year Teacher's Guide on their site (A Coloured copy),consequently, you uploaded some samples of the book for us. My question is: Is that right or I was just dreaming when I read this? The reason I ask you about this is that when I logged on the Longman site, I found it the same I left it the last time about a year ago!!!! Moreover, when I tried to download the samples you put for us, I got lost with the link of the file. If there is a teacher's guide on Longman site, please tell me how I can go there, or what means of transport I should take to reach my target. I really appreciate your good efforts with us
Dear Mr Mohsen
I am very sorry. I have been very busy for the last four days. BUt two days ago I read your message to me about the teacher's gude I wrote the following message:
Dear Mr Mohsen,
I do not think I have said anything about Longman Website uploading the third year Teacher's Guide.
I-myself just like you- keep logging onto the site to see if there is anything new. Of course the answer you have seen yourself.
Perhaps someone else have said that.
I hope we we won't wait for long for Longman to provide the TG.
Best Regards
But unfortunately there was a problem with my net connection, I managed to press Ctrl + C before I lost it and saved it in a WORD file to use it later. Then I had no chance to turn on my computer for two days. I forgot all about it. When Mr Siam phoned me tonight, at first I thought I replied to it, then I remembered the net problem. So I beg your pardon for the delay. It was all against my well- even tonight my net connection still has some problems. I hope I will be able to add this reply
Thank you for your patience and forgive me
أ/ أحمد البسيونى 09-08-2010, 09:40 AM من فضلك اريد رابط دليل المعلم للصف الثالث كما عودتنا فى السابق
نحمد الله على عودتك بيننا
H0riz0n 09-08-2010, 06:14 PM من فضلك اريد رابط دليل المعلم للصف الثالث كما عودتنا فى السابق
نحمد الله على عودتك بيننا
عزيزى مستر أحمد
حتى الآن لم يقدم موقع Longman أى شيء بخصوص المنهج الجديد للصف الثالث
وأشك وإن كان هذا مجرد تخمين منى أن الأمر له علاقة بالوزير أحمد ذكى بدر بخصوص حقوق الملكية التى تحدث عنها فى موضوع الكتب الخارجية. فنحن فى انتظار الموقع.
أما إذا كان هناك أحد من الزملاء لديه رابط للموقع فأتمنى أن يتعاون معنا ويمدنا بهذا الرابط.
محسن لبيب حنين 09-08-2010, 07:54 PM Dear Mr Mohsen
I am very sorry. I have been very busy for the last four days. BUt two days ago I read your message to me about the teacher's gude I wrote the following message:
Dear Mr Mohsen,
I do not think I have said anything about Longman Website uploading the third year Teacher's Guide.
I-myself just like you- keep logging onto the site to see if there is anything new. Of course the answer you have seen yourself.
Perhaps someone else have said that.
I hope we we won't wait for long for Longman to provide the TG.
Best Regards
But unfortunately there was a problem with my net connection, I managed to press Ctrl + C before I lost it and saved it in a WORD file to use it later. Then I had no chance to turn on my computer for two days. I forgot all about it. When Mr Siam phoned me tonight, at first I thought I replied to it, then I remembered the net problem. So I beg your pardon for the delay. It was all against my well- even tonight my net connection still has some problems. I hope I will be able to add this reply
Thank you for your patience and forgive me
In fact, I can't find suitable expressions to use to express my words of thanks to you. But, to be brief, thank you for your great interest in my message.Here is the link I read about before http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahe30he/n/Teacher_s_Guide.pdf
El Sayed Siam 09-08-2010, 10:23 PM أخى العزيز هذا هو رابط كتاب المعلم للصف الثانى الثانوى وليس الصف الثالث http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahe3...er_s_Guide.pdf (http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahe30he/n/Teacher_s_Guide.pdf)
H0riz0n 10-08-2010, 12:30 AM Ihttp://www.filefactory.com/file/ahe30he/n/Teacher_s_Guide.pdf
Dear Mr Mohsen
As Mr Siam has said, this link is for the second year Teacher's Guide. As you can see from the next image, it was uploaded last year on 21/7/2009
Follow the following link to get the teacher's guide for Year Three - but it is not in colour.
UP Till NOW I do not have an original copy of the teacher's guide. Even if I had it, I do not think I would be able to scan it in colour as this would take so long time. So lets hope that Longman will upload it own copy soon.
Best wishes