مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : شرح مبسط ل must / have to / can / could /managed to

مستر . سعيد ابراهيم
24-05-2010, 02:17 PM
Must يجب ( ضرورى ) للنصيحة القوية و لنذكر انفسنا بعمل شىء و نقدم دعوة حارة لشخص ) ( مضارع و مستقبل )

You must wash your hands before eating

We must buy souvenirs eor our friends here

You must visit us tomorrow

have to يجب ( عمل شىء لأنه لايوجد لدينا اختيار اخر بسبب وجود شىء ملزم لنا اى مؤثر خارج عن ارادتنا )

have got to I have to go to school every day.

has got to I have no money so I need to get some from my bank .

need to

will have to يجب ( عمل شىء فى المستقبل )

our flight is at 6 a.m so we’ll have to get up early.

had toاضطر الى وتستخدم للماضى

We had to take a taxi yesterday

mustn’tممنوع ( لا يجب فعل الشىء لأنه خطير او مميت او ضد القانون اىيوجد عقاب للمخالف )

You mustn’t smoke in hospitals

You mustn’t talk on mobile during driving

don’t have to لا يجب ( مش ضرورى ) للمضارع

doesn’t have to you are on holiday so you don’t need to go to bed early.

don’t need to you needn’t take a taxi ,it is not necessary

doesn’t need to


didn’t have toلا يجب ( لم يكن مضطر لفعل شىء لانه كان غير ضرورى ) للماضى

yesterday , he didn’t have to get up early , it was a holiday

can ممكن ( للمضارع ) يستطيع ( للمضارع )

We can solve this problem

Could ممكن للطلب / استطاع ان يفعل شىء بصفة عامة فى الماضى

I could swim when I was 7 years old

I couldn’t ride a bike until I was 12

can’tلا يمكن ( مضارع )

He can’t be Egyptian . His parents are English

was able toاستطاع فعل شىء فى موقف معين و محدد فى الماضى اى استطاع بصعوبة ان يفعل شىء were able to

managed to yesterday , I managed to answer the test right

succeeded in Finally , we succeeded in winning the cup last week.

be + able to + مصدر يكون قادر على

have ability to مصدر يملك القدرة على


1- If you want to go to Jordan for a holiday, you ......... fly or go by boat.

a) need b) mustn't c) can d) can't

2- We ......... to go to school tomorrow. It's a public holiday.

a) don't have b) couldn't c) need d) mustn't

3- You ......... stay at home on a school day unless you're ill.

a) can b) must c) don't have to d) can't

4- I......... revise for the English test. It's really important that I pass.

a) need b) must c) don't need to d) mustn't

5- You ......... use your mobile phone while you're driving. It's against the law.

a) don't have to b) needn't c) mustn't d) can't

6- In Britain, you ......take your driving test until you're 17 years old.

a) can b) must c) can't d) mustn't

7- You .........wear anything special for the party, but you can if you want.

a) needn't b) mustn't c) can't d) have to

8-Here’s an idea : we ……………… all turn down our air conditioning in the summer.

a) could b) can c) have to d) need

Mr. Medhat Salah
11-02-2011, 12:33 AM

صمويل علمى
15-02-2011, 12:52 PM
thnak you
mr. said ibrahim
we love you
عاوز ترجمة لكلمة الفساد
مظاهرة واستقالة واعتصام وحظر تجول
وعاوز كمان جمل عليهم